👀This is one of the 3 finger hands found in Nazca, Peru. These type of hand belongs clearly to one of the "normal" size beings just like the one called "Maria", not the small type beings that were presented in Mexico. It clearly has only 3 fingers, you can even see the color of the skin on the last phalanges where the diatomaceous earth (the white dust) is now missing.
Notice the long nails and also, it's clear that each finger has 5 phalanges, not 3 like ours.
At the bottom of the picture, on what could be the hand or palm itself -which is very small compared to ours- there is something that looks like some type of implants on the skin, but it's barely noticeable due to the cover of diatomaceous earth that has preserved these mummies for who knows how many centuries.
Also, this hand is considerably smaller than the ones seen on "Maria". This might have belonged to a younger being from her same species, considering the smaller size.
Photo: Jois Mantilla
President Trump: "She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”
Just a reminder from 2018: The Gingerbread Elevator at Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago.
Santa with a hammer and the painting signature, the 17th letter on the hanging stocking, and the added mini frog to the chef's uniform...
Can you see it? 😎
Guardias fronterizos polacos detienen a una ucraniana condenada en Kazajistán a 12 años de prisión por participar en un grupo criminal organizado dedicado al tráfico de órganos humanos y por vender 56 riñones, según informó la fiscalía el martes.