Peruvians [tax payers] could pay $300 MILLION dollars by losing the 3 extrajudicial proceedings in an international lawsuit for DEFAMATION by publicly stating that the #NazcaMummies were "dolls." The ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of public officials of the Ministry of Culture of Peru, the Public Ministry - Prosecutor's Office of the Nation of Peru and the self-proclaimed "scientific community" are going to be a cost to Peruvians, because the Government and "its scientists" insist that the handicrafts seized at the Jorge Chávez airport are the same as those being investigated at the University of Ica [which they're NOT] and that they have the expertise and analysis of some 50 professionals from several different backgrounds and nations who take them as real. Will these archaeologists, pelontologists, anthropologists and government employees be held responsible for the MISINFORMATION and damage they have caused to Peruvians by attacking the discovery of the tridactyl beings without investigating those bodies? Will they be supportive and reach into their pockets to help pay compensation if the Plantiffs win? May Peru and the world never forget them.
President Trump: "She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”
Just a reminder from 2018: The Gingerbread Elevator at Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago.
Santa with a hammer and the painting signature, the 17th letter on the hanging stocking, and the added mini frog to the chef's uniform...
Can you see it? 😎
Guardias fronterizos polacos detienen a una ucraniana condenada en Kazajistán a 12 años de prisión por participar en un grupo criminal organizado dedicado al tráfico de órganos humanos y por vender 56 riñones, según informó la fiscalía el martes.