I'm going to tell you our story.
The story of a small blog and an even smaller YouTube channel that grew exponentially and was caught and demonetized in the heat of the Hunter laptop disclosure and the 2020 Presidential Election.
In 2015, we started a blog in Spanish called Divulgación Total, which means Full Disclosure. Our main focus and interest was to share a lot of information about the UFO and ET life, because there was a lot of information coming out at the time, with alleged whistleblowers and contactees.
At the time, a great part of the Spanish speaking people online did not have a lot of access - and still don't have it - to that kind of information due to the language barrier. So we set to write articles, stories on our blog, and by 2017 we thought it was a good idea to start reading our articles and stories on our YouTube channel, which worked very well as YouTube at the time started to recommend our videos exponentially.
In about one year we reached more than 10k subscribers on YouTube as we were reporting a lot of testimonies about contactees and the UFO subject. Our effort was working because a lot of the info we were reporting was new to the Spanish speaking audience at that moment in time.
As 2017 went by, we started reporting what we noticed were a lot of lies from Mainstream Media, regarding politics in the US, especially about the actions and decisions that the Trump Administration was taking - which were totally unprecedented, compared to several previous Presidents and Administrations.
By the end of 2017, we were already on Twitter, following a lot of the politics going on and noticed all the talk about a "Q Clearance Patriot" that was posting on 4Chan and we started following what those posts were saying.
We were especially surprised to see that a prediction about arrests in Saudi Arabia came true by early November 2017. And we were following what was said at the time by several of our fellow Anons on Twitter as well. As a consequence, we started sharing all that information on YouTube as well, this in addition to the UFO topic, which in turn, had an even greater reach within the Spanish speaking audience around the world.
One curious thing we noticed was that by mid 2018 we started to see less censorship about the ET and UFO subject on social media and YouTube - which was common at the time - and more censorship on the political content. This might have been related to the 2018 midterm Election.
Fast forward to early 2020, our audience grew exponentially, especially on YouTube where we reached more than 100k subscribers, and with the pandemic attack, things got very heated.
For all the period from 2018 to 2019 we were reporting most of the Q posts, almost daily, especially the crumbs that had something to do with the global elite, since domestic policy usually is not very relevant to the audience around the world, but we still reported what was going on in some states, especially the ‘blue’ ones.
We were following a lot of great Patriots on Twitter and we were part of the great meme war as well, with very few memes created, but conveying most of what was going on in America to the rest of the world.
We collaborated with the now famous ‘Joe M’ translating the closed captions into Spanish for one of his great videos that had parts of the 2020 Trump SOTU speech.
Our profile image was featured in a video that was shared by Q on post #3873. That video was created by the channel Awakening Greatly and we added Spanish closed captions to it and loaded it on our Odysee channel and later on our Rumble channel.
Link to the video: https://rumble.com/vgpawf-ask-the-q-with-spanish-subtitles.html
We were followed by General Flynn on Twitter and we also saw in awe the great purge that occurred by October 2020, first on YouTube where a lot of channels were deleted, coincidentally, the same day that the New York Post broke the story of Hunter's laptop, and later on Twitter were most of the patriots we followed were deleted along with President Trump.
We were surprised we were not eliminated either from YouTube or Twitter, I think it was due to our reporting being in Spanish and also maybe because we had a lot less subscribers than others on both platforms.
However, we were struggling with our videos, which were either demonetized, deleted or eliminated from YT, because according to them, we were “not following their community standards”. So much for free speech.
By November 11th 2020, our whole YT channel was demonetized, which affected us in a significant way because that revenue was what helped us pay the hosting service for our own website where we STILL are running our blog.
Anyway, we are still reporting and telling our Spanish speaking audience from all over the world, what's really going on in the US and also reporting what President Trump and others are doing to return the power to The People.
On a follow up story I will share the handles or names of the Patriots we were following on Twitter, the ones that were there since 2017 with us following everything that happened with Q and with President Trump, and I also will be sharing how you can follow them now on Telegram or Gab, because they are all still reporting through those platforms.
The Best is Yet to Come.
Thank you.
President Trump: "She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”
Just a reminder from 2018: The Gingerbread Elevator at Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago.
Santa with a hammer and the painting signature, the 17th letter on the hanging stocking, and the added mini frog to the chef's uniform...
Can you see it? 😎
Guardias fronterizos polacos detienen a una ucraniana condenada en Kazajistán a 12 años de prisión por participar en un grupo criminal organizado dedicado al tráfico de órganos humanos y por vender 56 riñones, según informó la fiscalía el martes.